Technology Magazine August 2019 | Page 36

36 to a business looking to embark on a similar journey ? “ Do your research . Know your customer and what you are looking to achieve . Communicate openly ,” she says . “ I believe true innovation comes through strategy , learning , technology , and quality . For any company in any industry , I ask the same questions : How do you make the technology work ? What makes the business work ? Running IT as a business , I try to consider the key factors of measurement , true transparency , and trust . My unbending mantra ? Metrics are king — you can ’ t manage an environment if you don ’ t know your numbers .”
True digital transformations are difficult to pull off . In fact , according to McKinsey , less than 30 % succeed . With the experience of managing teams of up to 20,0000 people , Vetere knows firsthand the importance of strong leadership and management to any digital transformation plan . “ One of the most difficult challenges during any transformation is being an effective and transparent communicator so that your team understands exactly what you are trying to achieve and will be on board ,” she says . “ People don ’ t often like change , so managing the people side of change is where it becomes an

“ Being a corporate athlete is everything to me . It ’ s a part of who I am and it ’ s in my blood ”

— Rhonda Vetere , Former Chief Information & Technology Officer , Global Infrastructure Sevrices