Technology Magazine August 2019 | Page 64


“To compete against Amazon you need to promote your specialist credentials ”

— Philip Rooke , CEO , Spreadshirt

T his spring saw the news that Amazon is pulling back from China . It has struggled against the local competition – Alibaba and JD . com – which can apparently deliver for a fraction of the cost . Whilst we might relish this come down from the e-commerce behemoth , we should still react with a mixture of fear and awe if Amazon appears in our space .

This happened to Spreadshirt in the summer of 2017 , when Merch by Amazon arrived in Europe . We were a startup in Leipzig in 2002 , but today Spreadshirt is a € 100m , self-expression , e-commerce platform and a big player in Europe . People use us to create clothing and accessories with messages they want the world to see . We then manage the printing , delivery , local taxes , commission payments and fulfilment . In 2017 , this equated to nearly five million printed t-shirts , hoodies , mugs and all sorts of other clothing and accessories , to over 160 countries .