Technology Magazine August 2019 | Page 85

04 – 08 NOV 2019

GITEX Technology Week

[ DUBAI , UAE ] Claiming to be one of the biggest technology shows in the MENA and South Asia region , GITEX Technology Week plans to investigate the latest technology trends , present high calibre speakers and showcase product innovations from across the globe . Over 111,000 visitors and 4,800 exhibitors attended the five-day show last year , making it a must-attend event for any technology professional .

09-10 OCT 2019

SecTor 2019

[ TORONTO , CANADA ] Held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto , SecTor is a mustattend event for any IT professional . The event claims to be ‘ Canada ’ s premier cybersecurity conference ’ and will help IT professionals strengthen their corporate defenses and mitigate security threats . The two-day event will offer the latest technical research , hands on practical experience , and more .
www . gigabitmagazine . com