Technology Magazine August 2024 | Page 109

OCSRI has been adapted to our needs as a radiology research and treatment centre .”
As OCSRI looks to the future , the partnership with GE HealthCare continues to open new possibilities . The institute is excited about the potential integration of artificial intelligence ( AI ) and other advanced technologies into their workflow .
Jennifer shares their plans : “ We ’ re looking at potentially changing some modalities , so having a strong partnership with our PACS vendor will be crucial . We ’ re also working on implementing the Riverain system for lung nodule tracking , which will be fantastic for our lung screening clinic .”
The integration of AI , while still in its early stages , promises to provide valuable support for radiologists and improve patient care . Jennifer explains : “ These advancements won ’ t necessarily change the radiologists ’ workflow but will increase their confidence by providing AI-assisted backup for their observations .”
Michael is equally enthusiastic about the future : “ I see continued improvement in AI and more virtual solutions . AI is becoming more prevalent and accessible . I ’ m excited about potential advancements like virtual reality scans . While some of these technologies might not be fully realised in the next
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