cross all industries , sustainability is no longer a mere buzzword but a critical imperative that organisations can ’ t afford to ignore . As companies navigate the complexities of digital transformation , they are presented with a unique opportunity to align their technological advancements with environmental , social and governance ( ESG ) goals .
The convergence of digital innovation and sustainability allows businesses to not only drive operational efficiencies but also minimise their environmental footprint and foster social responsibility . From leveraging data analytics to optimise resource utilisation to harnessing the power of the Internet of Things ( IoT ) for real-time monitoring and management of emissions , the possibilities are vast .
According to Dr Matt Bell , EY Global Climate Change and Sustainability Services Leader , sustainability – coupled with digital innovation – may well be the new key to unlocking the products and services of the future .
“ As customers increasingly realise the social and environmental impact of their purchases , they ’ re more willing than ever to find new ways to get the same benefit . Take the sharing economy , or media . The idea of us all stockpiling personal catalogues of music , movies , or games seems like a thing of the past – my own children tell me they don ’ t think they ’ ll own a car ; they ’ ll simply use technology to have access to what they need on-demand .” technologymagazine . com 115