“ For AI to be transformational , you need a lot more . You could see generative AI as a form of right-brain AI , similar to how the right half of our brain is the creative part ”
“ When you read the news , you would think that AI equates to generative AI , used to produce text , images , music , or applications . However , for AI to be transformational , you need a lot more . You could see generative AI as a form of right-brain AI , similar to how the right half of our brain is the creative part .
But we also have our left hemisphere , our rational brain that makes sense of the environment , recognises important situations , makes optimal decisions and learns from feedback .”
Enhancing customer experiences Another key advantage of AI platforms is their ability to enhance customer experiences . Through advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms , these systems can power chatbots and virtual assistants that provide personalised , round-theclock customer support . This not only improves customer satisfaction but also reduces operational costs associated with traditional support channels .
Rosanne Kincaid-Smith , Group COO of Northern Data Group , notes the potential for AI to drive economic growth : “ We ’ ve already seen how the power of AI can automate routine tasks , freeing up
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