Technology Magazine August 2024 | Page 207

be constructing a building : if the foundation is weak , no matter how well-constructed the house above is , it will not be stable .”
However , van der Putten cautions against an overly rigid approach to data management : “ Without data , no intelligence . However , the mantra ‘ garbage in , garbage out ’ is quoted too often and too easily . Getting all of your data in a single , structured place with no latency is a pipe dream . Lots of knowledge is hidden in unstructured documents , and real-time data is becoming more important , so you can ’ t afford to wait for it to turn up nicely cleaned in a central data store .”
Instead , he advocates for a topdown approach : “ Don ’ t approach data bottom-up , but top-down . By building generative intelligence and automated decisions in interactions and workflows and letting AI learn from feedback , you will discover what data matters most and can become very targeted in your data quality and improvement efforts .”
Enabling new business models and innovation AI platforms are not just improving existing processes ; they ’ re enabling entirely new business models and revenue streams . Van der Putten envisions a future where “ AI compliance and governance will become more important , but there will also be more emphasis on good and trustworthy use of AI , regardless of regulatory boundaries . Finally , we can expect that generative AI will be let out of its cage and gain more
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