Technology Magazine August 2024 | Page 28


As CEO of one of the largest technology companies in the world , Arvind Krishna continues to spearhead IBM as it ventures into its next era of digital transformation .

With a commitment to AI , cloud , quantum computing and blockchain , Arvind has played a significant role in developing and innovating IBM products and solutions with the future in mind .
Having worked with IBM for more than 30 years , Arvind has been an instrumental figure in the company ’ s bold transformations . Most recently , he was a pivotal figure in the company ’ s successful acquisition of Red Hat for US $ 34bn – a move that has helped define the hybrid cloud market today .
His work in the technology industry has resulted in IBM continuing to grow successfully , whilst maintaining an edge in a competitive market .
“ Uncertainty creates opportunity ,” Arvind said in a 2023 interview about the technology sector today . “ You have to be aware of the brutal reality around you .” Creating the future of business Arvind was born in Andhra Pradesh , India in 1962 to an army-driven family . His father served in the Indian Army and his mother worked for the welfare of army widows within the region .
Growing up in India , Arvind received a BTech degree in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology , Kanpur in 1985 , before moving to the United States . Here , he went on to earn a PhD in Electrical Engineering


As the CEO of IBM , Arvind Krishna is a technologist and business leader with a passion for lifelong learning . He prides himself on leading a company that continues to inspire the next generation of big tech , as IBM helps drive the future of digital transformation .
28 August 2024