Technology Magazine December 2017 | Page 69

Case study of DB Schenker ’ s CarryPick automated online order fulfillment and returns handling solution for Lekmer . com , Scandinavia ’ s largest online toy retailer . renew the system and get more outside information into our supplier management systems , which will support the procurement team to find better sources of supply . We think it is a good place to look at for the future .” To this effect , the company is also undertaking a number of pilots surrounding robotic process automation to further support data sharing on different platforms . Not content with solely digitising its supplier management procurement operations , Deutsche Bahn ’ s logistics operations have also been overhauled . The implementation of autonomous and semi-automatic vehicles is currently something which the business is working towards , which will ultimately drive long-term benefits . “ At the end of the day we are a logistics support company and we try to look at what the trends are and how we can participate in these trends or even get a lead in these trends ,” comments Kleinow .
“ We are also looking at artificial intelligence , but at the moment the maturity grade of AI is not at the level that we can apply it to our systems . I ’ m thinking three to five years and this will be a field where you will definitely see growth .”
Customer benefits So , how are customers benefiting ? Throughout its digitisation , Deutsche Bahn has been committed
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