As the global business landscape becomes increasingly digitalised , and new technologies like 5G drive the exponential expansion of the Internet of Things ( IoT ), the amount of data created on a daily basis is growing exponentially . Business intelligence and research firm Raconteur found this year that , on an average day , 500mn tweets , 65bn WhatsApp messages and 294bn emails are sent , while four petabytes of data are created on Facebook and 5bn searches are made online . By 2025 , it ’ s estimated that 463 exabytes of data will be created each day globally – the equivalent of 212,765,957 DVDs per day . In order to keep pace and stay afloat , modern businesses need to gather , store , analyse and draw insights from a mind-bending amount of raw data . Determining what information is valuable , how to extract it and where to keep it are the challenges that every business in the current landscape must overcome . This landscape , however , is changing so fast that today ’ s solutions are outdated within as little as six months . In order to keep up , enterprises are increasingly moving towards third party data management and storage solutions hosted in the cloud , for the flexibility and access to leading edge technology that they provide .
Gigabit magazine spoke with experts in the data warehousing space to gauge the state of the evolving data warehousing industry , and why flexibility is at the heart of leading modern solutions . But first …