The same unified approach is also evident when approaching new languages , with Speechmatics already supporting around 30 . “ Any text and audio data we have is thrown it into the Automatic Linguist , which is an internal software pipeline – basically just to see what happens . It ' s designed to deal with new languages that we ' ve never encountered before , so it makes lots of automated choices about things that you might need to do to build the speech system . We see what comes out the other end . If it ' s good , great . If not , then we ' ll seek to add more data in . We don ' t use linguists at Speechmatics – we strongly believe that we shouldn ' t be taking that approach . We rely on machine learning , where we can solve general problems , in order to use large amounts of data to smooth over all the problems that you might have in building a new language .”
By turning technology towards that most fundamental element of human communication , innovators in speech technology are providing services that offer new levels of access to underserved populations and new ways of interacting with the technology around us .
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