Technology Magazine December 2020 | Page 28


Digitalisation has become core to business resilience . Lead from the top , consult your staff , use caution and don ’ t forget your customers


Two words have topped the ‘ boardroom bingo ’ card in the past five years : ‘ Amazon ’ and ‘ disruption ’. Amazon is a threat to many businesses precisely because it was such an effective early disruptor and because most businesses did not prepare for the company to go beyond being an online bookseller . When people cite Amazon in meetings , they usually do so because it is the alpha male of disruption . And disruption , in modern business parlance , means digitalisation .

Amazon took bookshops and removed the premises , the cashier and the journey to the shops . That ’ s digitalisation . Uber took taxis and removed the dispatch centre and much of the ride-hailing hassle . That ’ s digitalisation . And so on .
Digitalisation is important to your business . If you don ’ t do it , someone else will . And they will scale faster , work more efficiently and succeed better .
As Andrew Duncan , partner and UK CEO at Infosys Consulting puts it , “ digitalisation is the future .” His view is that companies who were slow to start digitalisation have been thrown into a “ sink or swim economic landscape ” by the onset of