Technology Magazine December 2020 | Page 31


“Where digitalisation was once reserved for industry leaders , it is now widely necessary for business survival ”

— Andrew Duncan , Partner and UK CEO , Infosys Consulting
Covid-19 , a tectonic shift that promises to entrench the divide as businesses weather the incoming recession .
“ Before Covid-19 , businesses typically took incremental steps towards rolling out digitalisation programmes ,” he says . “ We are now seeing a widened resilience gap between digital leaders and digital laggards – a gap that is likely to continue to grow during the economic downturn .”
“ These companies had a distinct advantage during the outbreak of the pandemic , with stronger capabilities in risk management , greater visibility over their supply chain , and the flexibility needed to make quick decisions and adjustments . As we continue into the ‘ new normal ’, business viability will only become further reliant on the leverage of available technology .
“ This is not just my prediction . The importance of digitalisation in business continuity is supported in the success of the companies which have taken a proactive approach to digitalisation through a decisive and global
He points to the competitive advantage granted to early adopters of digitalisation , who were more easily able to weather the onset of the pandemic while others struggled to implement systems to deal with sudden changes to their working practices . technologymagazine . com