Technology Magazine December 2020 | Page 43


“The sweeping changes that are taking place in the 5G ecosystem [...] open ample opportunities for malicious actors to take advantage of vulnerabilities in IoT devices ”

— Bhaskar Gorti , Software President and Chief Digital Officer of UK consumers own a 5G-enabled device . Meanwhile , 47 % said that 5G ’ s benefits will be overblown and 37 % said it would be too expensive . Despite these tidings , the faster connections enabled by 5G were 5G ’ s most appealing feature to 58 % of consumers .
Like all technology trends , however , overuse has led to devaluation of the term , as Chris Newall , Chief Commercial Officer , Indigo Telecom , explains : “ The 5G currently being rolled out today ( known as “ NSA – Non Stand-Alone Mode ) is effectively just
5G has been a constant in the public conscience for a while - at least since the announcement of the first 5G-enabled smartphone by Samsung in early 2019 . The recent reveal of a suite of 5G iPhones from Apple has brought the mainstream advent of the technology a step closer , but even now consumers remain sceptical . A recent study for simulation firm Ansys shone the light on customer attitudes towards 5G , with key findings including the fact that only 13 % technologymagazine . com