“Breached baby monitors , video cameras , cryptocurrency mining … all of these are recent incidents we have faced and continue to face ”
— Boris Cipot , Senior security engineer , Synopsys networks being deployed around the world as we move to 2021 , open ample opportunities for malicious actors to take advantage of vulnerabilities in IoT devices . This report reinforces not only the critical need for consumers and enterprises to step up their own cyber protection practices , but for IoT device producers to do the same .”
This new age of technology requires a new level of vigilance , as Boris Cipot , senior security engineer at Synopsys , explains : “ We are now entering a new era of technology ; that is the 5G era , which brings along with it another set of threats . The world of IoT is evidence that we are still a long way from achieving this . Breached baby monitors , video cameras , cryptocurrency mining … all of these are recent incidents we have faced and continue to face .”
With the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the rollout of mobile technologies , the problems that remain are all centered around security , whether national or personal . Regardless , 5G , IoT and other mobile technologies will be a key force in creating the postpandemic world .
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