Procurement COVID Response
Procurement COVID Response
of these systems will become unsupported in the near term . They are therefore having to assess the best options for transition which might mean a migration to cloud . Thus , they must deal with the complexity of the retained legacy estate , legacy estate through transition and future state . Shaping your commercial and contractual arrangements effectively at this time is pivotal . A fundamental building block to doing this effectively is understanding your data .
“ Many people saw cloud as a singular solution to simplify or solve this issue .
However , in most cases that ’ s far from the reality and there simply isn ’ t an option to move everything to the cloud . Therefore , you will always have different layers of operations involved which makes it more difficult to manage .”
All this goes hand-in-hand with a revolution in organisational hardware use , and the software and security ramifications for companies .
Libby Bagley is community manager at Licence Dashboard . Her view is that the gold rush will turn up plenty of fool ’ s gold . “ To combat the sudden shift to remote working , 58 % of companies
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