permanent ‘ work-from-home ’ employees even after restrictions have lifted , and so remote discovery will become even more important for SAM teams . Depending on their structure , companies will have hundreds , thousands , or sometimes tens of thousands of hardware assets in use , often within various locations around the globe . It is , therefore , almost impossible for a SAM manager to physically locate and inventory these assets without assistance from a tool . SAM teams rely on remote discovery solutions in order to build their inventory .”
Ward agrees . “ The widespread introduction of personal devices into the corporate estate have posed myriad risks to IT security ,” he says . “ Risks include what software is on the devices , whether employees can download software , and what risks their personal downloads might pose to the corporate estate . To manage these risks , IT asset management teams primarily need to understand the data on their platform .
“ Having monitoring tools allows companies to gather relevant data to monitor this risk , but companies need the right tools and systems in place to measure and consume that data . There is a clear disconnect here as many companies fail to act on the data that they have pulled from their estate , whether that be identifying and dealing with risk , or using data to shape commercial decisions with vendors .
“ In light of Covid-19 , many companies have lacked the skills necessary to use their data effectively , and Tier 1 vendors will increase their auditing
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