Technology Magazine February 2018 | Page 3


“ 5G WILL BE a big disruptor and if we look back eight years from now , we won ’ t be able to imagine life without what it has enabled .”
So says Flex CTO Dr Kevin Kettler , in a wide ranging and fascinating exclusive chat with Gigabit Magazine . It ’ s just one element of the transformative forces now beginning to make themselves felt in industries around the world , also charted in our pages this month .
We speak with experts from NVIDIA , SAP , PwC and more to dig in on AI and better understand the near-term impacts the technology is likely to have over the next 12 months . One impact is certain , though – companies can no longer see investment in AI as a choice to remain competitive .
IoT , similarly , is maturing as change driver . We talk to Dell and AMD about how they ’ re playing on the edge – literally – to build systems close enough to the action to unleash IoT ’ s awesome potential .
Our deep-dives into the digital transformations shaping real businesses this month come from ZTE , Avaya , Flowserve , Aecon and more .
As ever , join the conversation in Gigabit ’ s Linkedin group , or follow us on Twitter and Facebook .

Enjoy the issue !

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