Technology Magazine February 2024 | Page 100

of LEGO parts , sensors , motors and programmable bricks . Our IIoT and AR technology will tell you what the next step is , which parts you should use and whether you are having the correct wiring . AR technology offers computer vision to help you do its underlying inspections and telling when a wrong piece was used . It ’ s like the manufacturer has superpower over their shoulder , guiding them step by step .”
“ Think about it this way , we are all consumers and as consumers , we are spoiled ,” said Zhang .
Consumers are demanding more customisation , more personalisation , for less cost and on time . What that means for the factory workers , is a higher rate of change compared to before .
“ Meanwhile , we all know that the workforce shortage challenge is not only the ageing workforce but also the new generations . It ’ s not a ‘ cool job ’ in the factories , meaning that in the factories now the work is more complex but not digital . So manufacturers are thinking about how they can empower their
100 February 2024