Gartner predicts that by 2020 , 90 % of organisations will adopt hybrid infrastructure management capabilities
bandwidth , require greater reliability and crave faster connectivity ,” he adds . With the demand for information higher than ever , there ’ s more pressure on networks to deliver . “ In real-world figures , TalkTalk processes nearly 52bn web lookup requests on our network every day ,” highlights Gooding , along with the fact that this will only increase as more devices come online via the ever-expanding Internet of Things . To keep its business networks performing efficiently , TalkTalk is continuing investment in solutions using virtualised software at the edge of the network . This has seen it recognised with the SamKnows industry benchmark as the number one provider in the UK for fibre broadband response times . Allied to the achievement of this benchmark , Clayson believes TalkTalk ’ s business customers are benefitting from its reduction in technical debt as new and more secure services are deployed . “ We ’ re pushing forward on cloud connectivity and services that leverage