on an existing system and they can then take that capacity and focus on a new blockchain technology or a feature on a mobile app , or something equally important .”
More than just an idea It is no longer sustainable for the financial institution to just focus on maintaining the status quo , not anymore . “ Banks are inevitably impacted by innovation in the financial services space and need ways of becoming more adept at wielding their software capabilities ,” explains Rolles . “ It is essential that they identify where they can find inefficiencies and free up capacity . Our goal is to help organisations identify these high-powered teams and individuals so they can push their resources in the right direction .”
Rolles is quick to add that these teams need free rein to innovate and exhibit excellence in engineering because these are the qualities that the fintech startups possess . If a bank is going to capitalise on an idea or technological innovation , it will be one that has emerged from these teams .
That said , a fresh challenge emerges alongside these ideas . Given the current funding environment and the technology startup ecosystems that are sprouting up across the globe , it is unlikely that many of these are coming to life inside a bank . Many fintech startups have come from individuals that have worked in the banks or the subsidiaries of banks and have been players in the financial services sector . They come out of these organisations to create their own spaces where they feel comfortable and inspired . It could be that they found the organisation stifling or that their talent wasn ’ t recognised and banks need to pay attention or these individuals will simply leave .
“ It is crucial to identify the top talent in the business and to give them the resources they need to make the impact they want ,” says Rolles .
The data key As with almost everything today , data is the golden key that unlocks the doors to success . It is data that forms the backbone of what BlueOptima offers and allows for it to engage with the business effectively .
“ We prevent a lot of the arguments that surround investment into