those today which already have dozens of smart microprocessors . Quinn explains all intelligent things can be connected , allowing blocks of data to be moved from the physical domain into an IT-based system . He maintains the challenge comes with managing , securing and accounting for these devices while integrating them into an existing IT world we have become comfortable with over the past 30 years .
“ The lane just got wider so it ’ s very exciting ,” muses Quinn . “ Imagine being able to ingest nanotechnology particles to monitor existing conditions and record your vital signs from the inside … This could then be connected with your doctor who can say , maybe you don ’ t need that coffee or extra glass of wine because I ’ m noticing things in your liver … You could have personalised medicine for your body ’ s composition and needs . That ’ s the connected world we ’ re moving to , one of vertical segments applying technology for the good of human beings from machines that can participate positively and make a huge difference to the lives of those living with diabetes , cancer , alzheimers or dementia .”
Teaching digital skills will be crucial i
Dell ships tens of millions of devices annually , both on the client side and enterprise side while retaining a strong focus on machine learning and analytics . “ Wouldn ’ t it be great if those machines , platforms , notebooks , and workstations became more intelligent ?” asks Quinn . “ What if they could say , ‘ hey , I ’ m not feeling so good ’ to let you know they need a hard drive replacement ? This could give a predictive , and preventative , heads up
26 January 2018