Augmented reality and virtual reality are already impacting lives future you ’ ll bring your car to the garage for inspection and the mechanic will use AR glasses to look at the diagnostics of the car to provide invasive knowledge and an intuitive view of what ’ s happening inside the vehicle . Once the technician fixes that , you can drive their capability from a remote location with the expert on the other side of the world available to talk them through which tools to use . This is all connected so now you have this cognitive capability of AR working with the now intelligent , enabled car , with maintenance updates delivered to a database . Nursing , diagnostics … there are so many potential applications here .”
Quinn believes Dell is in prime position to deliver this future for intelligent things via the eight strands of Dell Technologies : Dell , Dell EMC , VMware , RSA , Pivotal Software , SecureWorks , Virtustream and Boomi Inc . “ You can ’ t just go in to a customer a multinational like an oil company , bank or smart buildings construction firm and say ‘ hey , I ’ ve got some sensors , I ’ m in the IoT business !’ That ’ s only one element : at Dell , we can say that we not only have the gateways but the connectivity and networking aligned to the cloud with storage , data centres and market ready services . It ’ s great to be on this team right now given what we can deliver to customers based on their different needs .”