BLOCKCHAIN WAS FIRST implemented in 2009 as a core component of Bitcoin , serving as a public ledger for all transactions . A distributed ledger database is shared and continuously added to with new records ; these are all marked with a timestamp and connected to the preceding block . With each new record or block added to the chain , information placed within becomes immutable - it cannot be altered or removed .
The nature of the technology makes it highly secure in theory , so it can be used for carrying out real-time , verifiable transactions between two parties . It not only underpins cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin , but other platforms like Ethereum , providing a way to record and transfer data that is transparent , safe , auditable and resistant to outages . It offers organisations that implement it the ability to be open , democratic , decentralised , efficient and – crucially for business – secure .
Ambrosus Swiss-based startup Ambrosus aims to combine development of its own sensors for the quality assurance
Blockchain underpins cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin
of food products and pharma , with a bespoke blockchain tailored for the supply chain aiming to be scalable and work with sensors . Founder and CEO Angel Versetti told Gigabit about his future plans .
“ We have a bolder vision than most for a blockchain with a generalpurpose protocol ,” argues Versetti . “ Around this protocol , through the usage of our token ( Amber ), we have created the opportunity for
32 January 2018