Technology Magazine January 2018 | Page 47


Uber is valued on Fortune ’ s list at $ 62bn and has a current revenue , according to Forbes , of $ 6.5bn . The company , which offers ridehailing via an app , was founded in San Francisco in 2008 and is now present in 632 cities all over the world , employing a total of 12,000 people . That ’ s not to mention the drivers it claims to offer “ a flexible new way to earn money ”. Under CEO Travis Kalanik , the company is going from strength to strength in pursuing its goal of using “ technology to give people what they want , when they want it ”. It has more recently launched a food delivery service , UberEATS , which is currently fast expanding across the UK . Despite some regulatory issues in some cities and complaints from local transport companies , Uber maintains that “ we help strengthen local economies , improve access to transportation , and make streets safer ”. 47