Mike Dargan ’ s
Oxford ( MA 1st class , Philosophy , Politics & Economics )
Head of CIB , Asia-Pacific , Oliver Wyman . Leadership in Asia of management consultancy ’ s corporate and institutional banking arm .
Managing Director , corporate strategy and M & A , Asia / EMEA / PacRim , Merrill
Lynch . Aged just 30 , oversaw acquisition activity including a ‘ host ’ of banks across Asia and the purchase of India ’ s largest investment bank . Helped lead Merrill Lynch-Bank of America merger during global financial crisis .
Managing Director , Strategy Global Markets , Standard Chartered Bank . Strategy leadership .
CIO , Financial Markets , Standard Chartered Bank . New role bridging the “ very difficult relationship ” between the business and its operations and technology back office . Later added wealth , security services and private banking business , before becoming CIO for corporate and institutional banking .
Group CIO , UBS . Leads a 24,000-strong tech team to deliver services underpinning all the Swiss banking giant ’ s businesses .