large institutions racing to embrace a digital destiny , an existing , highly competent workforce will need to be supplemented by new skills .
“ Do we have enough skills of the right type or the right sort ? No . So this is a great plug that we are out there hiring engineers and other deeply technical people and we want them to come to UBS because it ’ s a great place to work . Do we want to supplement what we have with skills as we move toward our ABCDE ? Yes , we have already started down that path ,” he says .
A continuous stretch towards true agility is also a goal . Agile is a methodology that demands appropriate development toolchains , automated testing , and so on , but systems mean little without the right partnership mindset , insists Dargan . True agility , and the ability to quickly provide transformative technology to the whole business , will ultimately depend on developing a collaborative organisational culture empowered to deliver it .
With every cup of coffee and with every blog post , it ’ s clear that maintaining the human side of technology is a mission he ’ s taking quite personally .