Technology Magazine January 2025 | Page 120

Roger Grimes

Roger Grimes

Data-Driven Defence Evangelist KnowBe4
Roger Grimes , Data-Driven Defence Evangelist , KnowBe4
“ Every organisation will be undergoing a huge Y2K-like postquantum cryptographic migration ... whether they realise it or not , that will likely impact every piece of software and firmware they have in their environment protecting critical data . Every organisation , if they have not already done so ... and most have not done so ... will be creating a multiyear post-quantum migration project involving far more resources than they have experienced in decades .
“ NIST has been telling organisations over and over for nearly a decade to create a post-quantum migration project . What was needed for most organisations to care and start creating their very necessary , required , post-quantum project , was THIS announcement .
“ NIST announcing the ‘ official ’ NIST post-quantum standards is the policy equivalent of a long-awaited starter ' s pistol firing the shot that allows everyone to start their own postquantum migration products . Now there is no reason for anyone to not have a post-quantum migration project . The only question now might be why you haven ' t already started yours ?”
120 January 2025