ASIA are also already speeding up in that regard . Externally , we are empowering our customers , so that they can be more efficient .
“ There is less need for use of our contact centres and that kind of thing and this how we are digitising both people and the process and we are probably 80-85 % towards being fully digitised .”
And the group ’ s new Jakarta HQ , which the company invested around $ 125 million ( US ) in , is a prime example of that new approach . “ It ’ s a fully digital building ,” explains Abdus .
“ So , the whole environment and the atmosphere is fully digital , from the design of the colour and layout , to the apps which are used in the building . Everything is fully automated and we also build connectivity every day by using apps .
“ By having this facility and by bringing in new blood with a digital perspective into the company , we are sure that we can quickly achieve our goals .”
And the latest set of annual company results would certainly
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