Technology Magazine July 2017 | Page 132


“ We try to pick up the innovations that are out there and bring them together to bring advantages to what we do . That ’ s where we have to be , especially in the technology space ”

SEAN DEWHURST Change and IT Director
a multitude of benefits , enabling the company to collaborate with prospective clients to develop built models and concepts . “ We haven ’ t found the sweet spot yet for us , so we ’ re still exploring all of them . It ’ s a very interesting space at the moment ,” adds Dewhurst .
Increased Collaboration With Microsoft providing SSH ’ s main platform , SSH also work with local partner Diyar , who have become instrumental to the company ’ s delivery and development of the company ’ s Microsoft Azure capabilities . This has been augmented with cloud-managed solutions like Cisco Meraki which has provided greater visibility and simpler , consistent configuration across offices in all geographies . SSH ’ s main ERP platform ( Deltek Vision ) and HR platforms are being moved , so
132 July 2017