Technology Magazine July 2017 | Page 139

How SSH achieved IT as a Service

In the olden days ….. It used to be that SSH bought its technology . They went through basically the same motions as every other company . They would go through the tried and tested motions for procurement that most companies follow in the Middle East . Check out the products and providers on offer , construct an RFP , vet the vendors , negotiate the contracts , implement the solution , train the staff and guess what ?
“ Sometimes SSH got all the value it wanted and sometimes it just got a taste of it ”.
The majority of services ran from its HQ based in Kuwait . “ Sometimes it had downtime sometimes it didn ’ t ”.
A few years ago SSH ’ s business began to really take off . The company started winning engineering contracts not just in Kuwait but across the Middle East ; it opened engineering offices in Africa and rapidly expanded from 200 to almost 1000 users . The business had basically become a high growth dynamic business that had outgrown ‘ the old way of doing IT ’.
For SSH , like for most businesses , the allure of a technology was the business outcome it produced , not the headaches and complexity that came along with that journey . SSH had two fundamental wishes from IT :
• They wanted to get straight to the value
• They wants that value to increase over time
With this in mind SSH ’ s Technology leadership decided to embrace a new model of consuming IT , IT-a-a-Service , a stunningly simple model that centers on the following value propositions :
• Technology benefits with minimum IT involvement
• Accelerated technology solution implementation
• Variable , lower risk OpEx purchasing models
• Supplier managed or optimized technology
BIOS Middle East and CloudHPT , which has been building its business around providing ITa-a-Service for many years now , were able to provide SSH with an approach to consuming digital services using a hybrid cloud infrastructure allowing it to run every workload in its optimal place — at optimal cost and business performance .
The solution consisted of moving some services like email and active directory to Microsoft Azure . However , SSH needed to run some applications on a cloud that was low latency for the Middle East , so these were positioned on CloudHPT ( a BIOS Middle East cloud company based out of the UAE ). In addition some of SSH offices required huge engineering files to be local , so a modern managed storage solution from NetApp was positioned for the branch offices .
The above hybrid cloud solution , a cloud consisting of private cloud on premise , regional cloud from CloudHPT and Global Cloud from Azure needed to be managed . This was provided by BIOS Assured , a managed service provided by BIOS out of their NOC and SOC in Dubai . BIOS Assured provided daily operational support , infrastructures managed services and application services like SCCM .
The entire IT-a-a-Service model was positioned with a fixed monthly cost against a set of SLA ’ s .
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