Technology Magazine July 2017 | Page 164


4Refuel provides onsite refuelling for ships , construction plants , and railways among many other industries . But what makes it unique is that it was one of the very first refuelling companies to adopt mobile technology for its drivers .

Since it was founded in 1995 , 4Refuel has transitioned seamlessly from having drivers deliver fuel using paper tickets to using electronic data . It was one of the first companies in its industry to start doing this .
As well as telling drivers the order in which they must deliver fuel , this mobile technology eliminates the need to search for client names as well as human error , such as potentially getting the wrong address . New on-board cellular technology gives real-time monitoring in terms of things like fuel levels and if a driver is running late , which means 4Refuel can be notified immediately to re-route trucks and make up the time difference .
While handheld devices have existed for a number of years , up until 2017 drivers had to take them out of their trucks to connect to the network . Advances in mobile technology have made it possible to get information directly from the vehicles .
The expectation is that very soon these devices will tell the drivers the best routes to take
164 July 2017