Insourcing knowledge In the early 2000s , JTI set about creating two programmes which embraced the two big application pillars of that age : an ERP system based on SAP technology , and a frontoffice CRM application for sales and analytics , based on Oracle technology which refreshed the entire company ’ s basic application environment . Once they were complete , JTI found itself with a lot of technology and business experts that were then split into dual factions : Business Technology Services , which contains three smaller teams within itself and deals with every element of the business side of IT , and the IT Factory , which is filled with the infrastructure , development , systems management and data centre experts .
“ So over the years , these departments have evolved and become kind of a business consulting arm of IT , while the other ones are still there to develop solutions ,” De Coen explains . “ Between them , the teams keep the lights on . As a company , when it comes to our IT functions that work directly with the business , we have decided to keep this within
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