Technology Magazine July 2017 | Page 48

JT INTERNATIONAL growing areas where deforestation is a challenge . In addition , the JTI Foundation , a charitable organisation endowed by JTI , brings its support to less privileged people and victims of natural or man-made disasters through partnerships with reputable organisations .
Outsourcing commodity While JTI ’ s entire digital scope has changed a great deal in recent years , one of the biggest , most dramatic changes has been adopting IoT . JTI is a traditional company in many ways – producing high-quality tobacco products in a cost-effective way – which used to require a simpler business model . However , due to the highly-regulated nature of the industry restricting how it could reach out to consumers , JTI had to expand its technological capabilities and modernise to implement something new .
“ Our traditional model has changed since we entered the market of emerging products , or e-cigarettes ,” says De Coen . “ Suddenly we have the ability to trade in some markets
48 July 2017