FOREWORD The hidden human cost of working from home
“ The four-day week is now being trialled in a number of countries ”
According to the excellent tech influencer Bernard Marr , the four-day week is now being trialled in a number of countries and is to be adopted by 60 companies between June and December this year . Treated as a scientific experiment in conjunction with Cambridge and Oxford universities and Boston College , productivity , employee satisfaction and happiness will be empirically measured .
What I found particularly interesting from Marr ’ s perspective was the human cost of working from home , in which feelings of guilt can lead to “ repaying ” this perceived ‘ perk ’ and the “ always-on ” approach , which inevitably leads to burnout .
Studies from the Royal Society of Public Health also recorded high amounts of mental and physical changes , in correlation to the home working environment .
How we work is changing and , depending on the trial ’ s results , we could see evidence that more working hours doesn ’ t always equate to the best outcomes for employees or employers .
ALEX TUCK alex . tuck @ bizclikmedia . com © 2022 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED technologymagazine . com 5