TOP 10 01
REVENUE : US $ 65BN ( 2023 ) EMPLOYEES : 457,000 CEO : JOE UCUZOGLU FOUNDED : 1845
Deloitte is one of the largest professional services firms in the world , providing a wide range of consulting and advisory services to businesses and organisations across various industries . In the realm of technology consulting , Deloitte offers a comprehensive suite of services to help its clients navigate the ever-evolving technological landscape .
One of Deloitte ’ s key technology consulting services is digital transformation . The firm helps its clients assess their current technology infrastructure , identify areas for improvement , and develop and implement digital strategies that can drive business growth and efficiency . This includes everything from cloud migration and data analytics to artificial intelligence and automation .
Deloitte also provides cybersecurity services , helping organisations protect their critical data and systems from cyber threats . This includes risk assessments , incident response planning , and the implementation of advanced security technologies and protocols .
Joe Ucuzoglu CEO , Deloitte
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