Technology Magazine June 2022 | Page 5

FOREWORD The future workplace reality

“ Robots are now redrawing the frontiers of sustainability , safety and efficiency ”

Let ’ s face it , robots are pretty cool . Many of us enjoy a bit of a browse on Youtube to see the latest inventions from Boston Dynamics , but the ‘ Big 4 ’ robot manufacturers ( ABB , Fanuc , KUKA and Yaskawa ) are the ones that dominate the industry . Found in thousands of worldwide facilities , robots produced by these companies command roughly 75 % of the robotics market .

There are many others besides these that , too , play a major role in manufacturing – but there are the likes of Hexagon and Brain Corp , along with thousands of others , that are branching into many previously unreachable spaces . Robots are now redrawing the frontiers of sustainability , safety and efficiency .
As Michel Spruijt , SVP of Brain Corp , puts it , we must now think of ‘ cobots ’, instead . These ‘ cobots ’ are no longer programmed mechanical arms , for instance , but intelligently-designed roaming hardware coordinated by powerful software and real-time learning , which allows them to adapt to their environments .
ALEX TUCK alex . tuck @ bizclikmedia . com © 2022 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED technologymagazine . com 5