Dr . Irene Di Martino discusses Amp ’ s use of subsidiary group , Amp X , and its wider strategy encouraging sustainable transition to renewable energy options
Dr . Irene Di Martino discusses Amp ’ s use of subsidiary group , Amp X , and its wider strategy encouraging sustainable transition to renewable energy options
The switch to sustainable energy is essential ; indeed , the energy sector is in the midst of an unprecedented transition associated with an ever increasing level of decentralisation and digitalisation , that should ultimately lead to a carbon-free grid by 2050 .
In 2019 , only around 11 % of global energy supply came from renewable sources , whereas today the world is experiencing an impressive rate of adoption of renewable generation . As this switch takes place , more organisations are facing challenges that include grid instability and the intermittency of renewable energy sources that requires battery energy storage to be connected to the grid . To address these , it is essential that cost-effective solutions become available to analyse , predict and manage the multitude of assets across different segments of the grid .
Digital disruption in the energy sector Speaking with Dr . Irene Di Martino , executive vice president of Amp and Head of Amp X , delves into the company ’ s position within the industry and how Amp X provides its parent company with the benefits of artificial intelligence ( AI ).
“ In my career to date , I ’ ve been witnessing the most significant transition of the energy sector from a largely fossil-fuel-based ecosystem to one that is now creating the conditions to accelerate the transformation
60 June 2022