Technology Magazine June 2022 | Page 69

grid itself . Indeed , EV users can participate in Demand-Side Management ( DSM ) markets , by using Amp X ’ s digital energy platform which enables dynamic load-shaping of EVs and other appliances according to price signals and / or carbon intensity .
As Amp X continues to serve its parent company and customer base , it expects to see further growth by the end of 2022 . Already mentioned is the game-changing role to be played by the Smart Tx , which will be rolled out in the coming months to address the challenges which network operators face in maintaining an efficient , secure and resilient network .
“ Our Smart Tx is going to provide a set of key functionalities that are way beyond those currently available at substation level by incumbent technology . The deployment of our Smart Tx on the U . K . distribution network is definitely one of the things we look forward to the most in 2022 . We will aid Amp ’ s ambitions by driving toward a fully transactive grid in which every point of consumption or generation helps to make the grid greener , more stable , flexible and secure , whilst making electricity more affordable for consumers . Amp X is an example of the bold approach that is required to overcome energy challenges and enable growth .”
Dr . Di Martino adds that “ modernising and future-proofing the grid is what Amp X is all about ”.
“ That makes Amp perfectly placed to become a global renewable energy leader . We ’ re combining our highly disruptive digital platform with a fundamental understanding of the electricity system and the energy market so that our solutions are robust and innovative .” technologymagazine . com 69