Technology Magazine June 2024 | Page 106

That may have been okay 20 or even 10 years ago , but it doesn ’ t suit the pace of business and technological change we ’ re seeing today .
Generative AI has brought this reality glaringly to light . Realising the benefits of AI requires scale , speed , and agility . Business systems need to have significant computational power , the agility to handle frequent updates as AI models continuously improve , and the flexibility to quickly activate and deploy use cases .
Systems that are built on-premises naturally face challenges with these requirements . For one , scaling on-premises systems to meet increased AI demand and computing power is costly and time consuming . Likewise , significant resources and infrastructure are required to grow and maintain hardware and software systems . But more fundamentally , on-premises data silos and structures hinder the effectiveness of AI by limiting effective data mining .
“ Gen AI is revolutionary . It offers an incredible opportunity for businesses to create new value for customers and shareholders ,” says Eric , “ But only if your business is built to handle the requirements of AI . If your company is stuck running
106 June 2024