Technology Magazine June 2024 | Page 174

Citadele banka ( Citadele ) Member of the Management Board , Chief Strategy Officer Vladislavs Mironovs discusses leading a digital transformation charge in Baltic banking

Atechnologist throughout his time in higher education and his early career , Mironovs trained as a computer programmer for six years . With technology seemingly the set course for his working life , Mironovs ’ s first career opportunity presented itself in a sales role .

“ Being in sales gave me an introduction to strategy and development , an area where I have since spent the best part of my career ,” says Mironovs .
“ I then went to work with GE Money Bank and I managed to get on board when the company acquired a local consumer finance company , which is where I managed to progress well .
“ My last role with them in the Baltics was as Sales and Marketing Director , before starting to support GE Capital International to manage strategic pricing initiatives .”
It was from this point onwards that Mironovs began to get noticed , being picked up to GE global talent pool to become a future company executive . It was here that Mironovs went through a series of market rotations , spending time in London and Connecticut .
GE Capital was soon considered for disposition , though , turning Mironovs ’ s career plan on its head . And , with a newborn child , he decided to head home to Latvia , where he came across Citadele .
174 June 2024