Technology Magazine June 2024 | Page 193

EPIROC same time , growing regulatory pressure and societal demands are compelling mining companies to prioritise worker wellbeing and environmental stewardship like never before .
As Epiroc navigates this complex and rapidly evolving landscape , the company ’ s commitment to innovation and safety is emerging as a defining hallmark . From embracing cutting-edge technologies to fostering a culture of adaptability , Epiroc is charting a course that could serve as a blueprint for the mining industry ’ s transformation .
At the forefront of this revolution is Markus Küchler , Epiroc ’ s Head of IT Security , who is steering his function with a unique blend of technical acumen and peoplecentric leadership .
Küchler ’ s journey to Epiroc has been anything but conventional . With both a military and law enforcement background , he has leveraged his managerial skills to navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity and technological innovation .
“ I ’ m quite proud that , even without a technical background , I ’ ve managed to acquire sufficient technical acumen
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