Technology Magazine June 2024 | Page 73

As AI continues to reshape the business landscape , the Chief AI Officer is poised to become an indispensable member of the C-suite , with the CAIO set to play a pivotal role in guiding organisations through the AI revolution .
Gartner : Businesses should not rush to appoint a Chief AI Officer As AI continues to evolve , the role of the CAIO will likely grow in complexity and importance . Future CAIOs may have to navigate more advanced AI technologies , such as generative AI , with potential applications and implications that are only beginning to be understood .
Businesses considering the appointment of a CAIO should weigh the strategic value of AI in their operations and future ambitions . The Chief AI Officer is not just a trend but a necessity in an age where AI ’ s impact on business is profound and expanding .
According to a report by Gartner , AI is disruptive enough to warrant a dedicated owner , but that person probably doesn ’ t need a C-suite title yet .
“ Businesses should , as a result , focus on a value-driving business strategy infused with AI ,” the report says .
While some enterprises may opt for a Chief AI Officer , Gartner explains that a “ Head of AI ” is enough for most to integrate AI into business strategy .
“ Too often , organisations have an AI technology roadmap masquerading as a strategy ,” the report adds . “ They fail to recognise that activities around AI and Gen AI are business , economic , social , ethical and technology decisions .”
According to Gartner , avoiding this mistake requires a holistic , integrated approach with clear leadership and governance . However , this does not mean that organisations should rush to appoint a Chief AI Officer . For most , a head of AI who is not at the C-suite level will be perfectly capable of managing the two key aspects of AI strategy execution : orchestration and multidisciplinary governance .
“ Forget the job title , and focus on the value of AI ,” says Frances Karamouzis , Gartner Distinguished VP Analyst . “ What is most important is that organisations have a business strategy infused with AI , rather than an AI technology roadmap masquerading as a strategy .”
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