“ Because we ’ ve built a platform , we have technologies that can stand alone . They can integrate with themselves , or they can actually integrate with third-party solutions as well – that ’ s critical for our customers
— Sergio Barata General Manager for EMEA , Verizon Connect
similar story at Verizon Connect . For instance , with the right login details a worker — whether that ’ s regular employees , contractors or even seasonal or casual workers — can access the same cloud platform easily . Barata argues that this gives firms the ability to “ scale depending on the needs of the business very easily ”.
Founded in 2018 , Verizon Connect combines three distinctive fleet and mobile workforce management software companies — Telogis , Fleetmatics and Verizon Telematics — under one unified brand . It is the culmination of more than $ 5bn in investments but , for Barata , it ’ s true competitive edge lies in the fact that it can offer end-to-end solutions . This means that , regardless of what fleet management tools a customer may need , Verizon Connect is essentially a one-stop shop . “ If you asked 1,000 telematics companies what ’ s unique
MARCH 2019