Technology Magazine March 2019 | Page 92


Embarking on a root-andbranch digital transformation , energy behemoth Uniper is showcasing the true power of data


W ith about 36GW of generating capacity , Uniper has earned its stripes as one of the world ’ s largest global power generators . The Düsseldorf-headquartered firm was founded in 2016 after it carved out its own path from E . ON and since then , it has grown to become a global powerhouse in the energy space , expanding its operations across 40 countries and attracting 12,000 employees to its doors . Technology has obviously played a vital role in this rapid ascension and , more specifically , Uniper ’ s data analytics plan has been a real tour de force .

When it first hashed out its digital roadmap Uniper set itself an impressive goal : to become a more data driven company . This may seem like a straightforward task – that is , if you don ’ t take into account the scale of Uniper ’ s operations . The company not only generates power , but it also procures , stores , transports and supplies commodities such as natural gas , LNG and coal , as well as energy-related products . With this in mind , Uniper has reams and reams of data at
MARCH 2019