Technology Magazine March 2020 | Page 109

and to become champions for change to improve existing insurance models .”
To add to this , Manns asserts that the fast emergence of startups in the insurtech space supports that there is evidence of insurance carrier sectors dedicated to financially supporting this evolution . We are seeing insurance carriers use emerging technologies in the claim process to evaluate damages to the exterior of houses and buildings , but often overlook using available technologies in the evaluation of damages to the interior of the home or building . This is where CodeBlue has become an industry leader , differentiating itself from its competitors by having the best-in-class interior virtual damage inspection solutions .
For example , insurance carrier staff can typically drive to inspect five to eight claims in a day , yet with the utilisation of digital technologies , the same staff member can virtually inspect between 15 to 20 claims a day . This approach maximises the accuracy of initial damage inspections , reduces expenses and delivers high policyholder satisfaction .
Another CodeBlue advantage is its proprietary claim software specific to each property line of business : water and fire mitigation , reconstruction , contents and inventory . These are digitally connected to photo and video chat technologies that give the insurance carrier staff the ability to confirm the cause of loss , verify
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