Technology Magazine March 2020 | Page 113

contractor arrives at the loss location within four hours . CodeBlue staff complete a virtual damage inspection video chat with the contractor and policyholder on-site , which provides insurance carrier staff the needed information — such as measurements , materials , and a sketch document — to be able to evaluate the loss damages from their office .” After this , CodeBlue ’ s certified IICRC staff use the proprietary software with the science of drying to proactively create a water mitigation drying plan with the on-site contractor to restore wet materials instead of replacing them . This keeps the focus on returning the policyholder to pre-loss condition in the fastest , most efficient and least disruptive manner possible .
To deliver the highest level of detailed loss documentation , CodeBlue uses a combination of 3D cameras , digital applications and video chats to capture the loss in a virtual environment , which allows insurance carrier staff to tour the site from their computer or mobile device . “ Our virtual damage inspection solutions vary and are determined by the type of loss and

“ We ’ re highly customisable to insurance carriers and provide a suite of property claim solutions and virtual damage inspection strategies that insurance carriers can choose ”

— Jason Manns , COO , CodeBlue
insurance carrier field staff coverage locations ,” he says . “ Our success is driven by our ability to identify the best virtual inspection solution for each specific claim , with inspection methods including policyholder selfservice , contractor dispatch , and the deployment of CodeBlue W2 staff . All virtual damage inspections utilise our proprietary claim software and digital technologies to meet a policyholder ’ s specific needs . This assists insurance carriers with the effective management of labor and the expenses associated with large workforces , while reducing the inefficiencies of supplemental claim payments .” Bamboo Insurance founding member
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