Technology Magazine March 2020 | Page 118

William ‘ Bill ’ Giard , Chief Technology Officer ( CTO ) Cloud and Enterprise Group , at Intel on how Intel ’ s industryleading approach to security will benefit the wider industry

William ‘ Bill ’ Giard , Chief Technology Officer ( CTO ) Cloud and Enterprise Group , at Intel on how Intel ’ s industryleading approach to security will benefit the wider industry


F ounded in 1968 in Santa Clara , California , Intel Corporation began with a focus on computer memory . From the very start , the company prided itself on its agility and breadth of ability , as well as a customer-driven philosophy that ensured its popularity with consumers . When Business Chief last spoke to Intel in August 2019 , the company stated that it was moving “ from a PC-centric strategy to a data-centric one ”. It was a big shift for Intel , which had spent the last 50 years focusing on the former . However , realising that storage , memory , computing and data centres were all part of a larger , more exciting picture , it was determined to make the transition .

Almost six months later , we spoke with William ‘ Bill ’ Giard , Chief Technology Officer ( CTO ) at Intel , who talked about his vision for the company in 2020 . Part of Intel for over 20 years , having joined almost immediately after completing his studies at Portland State University , Giard has seen the evolution of the business first-hand . “ I saw what it was doing in the industry and got really energised about working with computers and electronics ,”
MARCH 2020