Technology Magazine March 2020 | Page 133

Aerojet Rocketdyne Manufacturing B-Roll
Aerojet Rocketdyne Manufacturing B-Roll
for customers including the US Department of Defense , NASA and other agencies and companies , both in the United States and abroad .” Its vision is to further develop the brand and leverage its experience to provide the most cost-effective , on-schedule and reliable products in the industry .
Over the last two years ,
Avakian has seen the aerospace and defense industry evolve significantly , with multiple new trends emerging fast such as : additive manufacturing , solar electric propulsion , cybersecurity and cloud technology .
“ Additive manufacturing , hypersonics , and solar electric propulsion are key innovation areas for Aerojet Rocketdyne . We are also developing propulsion systems to utilise highperformance ‘ green ’ propellants . Green propulsion systems are an alternative to conventional chemical propulsion systems that use hydrazine propellants for a variety of applications , including next-generation launch vehicles and spacecraft ,” says Avakian .
John Jackson is the Chief Information Officer at Aerojet Rocketdyne and
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