Your Trusted Digitalization & Automation Experts
Roctec Technology Limited was found in 1987 and is a leading solution provider and system supplier in Hong Kong while our footprint covers Asia-Pacific area . We have over 30 years of experience in implementation of large-scale data communications , multimedia , IOT and IT projects in railway & transportation industry . Over the years , we have positioned as a technology leader in delivering multimedia & communications systems , network & security solutions and various communications applications .
Experts at
- One - Stop Solutions for Communications , IoT , Networking Security , Public Address , Multimedia Display and Simulation System
- IT Infrastructure and ELV Engineering Consultation
- Expertise in Cyber Security and Data Network solutions
- Tailor-made complex railway and transportation solutions
- Hardware design and software development
Learn More
Roctec Technology Limited E : info @ roctec . com . hk W : roctec . com . hk